12 members of 19th Squadron with their wives on a 7-day Cruise; 16-23 Jun 17
Front Row sitting (L to R)... Natalie Mateos, Vickie Olafson Duncan, Leigh McNeil, Chong Sun Kuconis, Nancy Hanson and Patty Clark
2nd Row ...John Duncan, Jim Mateos, Fred McNeil, John Kuconis, Karen Brown, Dave Hanson, Rosie Aguinaldo, Leo Aguinaldo. Sherrie Maple, and Denny Maple
3rd Row ...Ron Johnson, Carol Johnson, Sharon Rogacki, John Rogacki, Smoke Clark, Dave Brown, Erik Anderson, and Cynthia Anderson
Front Row sitting (L to R)... Natalie Mateos, Vickie Olafson Duncan, Leigh McNeil, Chong Sun Kuconis, Nancy Hanson and Patty Clark
2nd Row ...John Duncan, Jim Mateos, Fred McNeil, John Kuconis, Karen Brown, Dave Hanson, Rosie Aguinaldo, Leo Aguinaldo. Sherrie Maple, and Denny Maple
3rd Row ...Ron Johnson, Carol Johnson, Sharon Rogacki, John Rogacki, Smoke Clark, Dave Brown, Erik Anderson, and Cynthia Anderson